Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is more a personal blog then anything. If you are reading it, good for you but you may not find anything very interesting.

So I set this up to help me track things that were specific to developing IPhone Games, specifically a game with master artist Ryan Ellis.

Starting out, I'm going to be securing a macbook this friday as soon as that happens I'm going to get started on development.

Here is my plan for the "tech" demo:
  1. Create a basic hello world application that will start up on the IPhone (or in my case IPod Touch) . Have the application fire up and just show some text on the screen.
  2. Do the same application but have it load text from file (preferably xml-format)
  3. Same application but have it display the text wherever the user touches the screen.
  4. Update the application to do both text and an image - have image loaded from file.
  5. Use keyboard to take data from user and save that information out to file (again preferably xml)
  6. Take the image and text app and update to play an animation
  7. Build a math library (vec2d and 3x3 matrix)
  8. Dynamic Drawing - take a touch and drag event to draw a line from where user click to where user "released"
This should form a "tech" plan that can has specific objectives and hopefully by the time we are done, we should have some basic utility objects that can be used to start getting a prototype of Ryan's game up (this is outside of any issues we face that are game specific).

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